Construction Defects in New York
Cost-effective results. Time-sensitive solutions.
Our New York construction defect lawyers defend construction defect claims throughout New York, especially in Manhattan and Brooklyn, with our most recent defense verdict in Brooklyn. The cases we handle typically involve significant structural damage or collapse, resulting in damage to person or property, as well as claims for loss of use, diminution in value, and remedial costs. These actions can become over-litigated and “dragged-out,” costing the parties unnecessary time and expense. Not here. Our firm, with the assistance of our team of experts at the ready, has had great success in defending these actions through early and aggressive evaluation. Our emphasis on efficiency and cost-consciousness helps us to resolve these actions sooner and at less expense.
We handle construction defect claims involving:
- Design defects
- Alleged faulty construction (including excavation and underpinning)
- Use of improper materials
- Material deficiencies
- Improper installations
- Breach of contract and warranty
- Structural damage or collapse
Discuss your construction defect claims in a case evaluation, call our office to schedule yours today!